Free: Archaia Comic Book - FRAGGLE ROCK and MOUSE GUARD. - Other Toys & Hobbies - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Archaia Comic Book - FRAGGLE ROCK and MOUSE GUARD.

Archaia Comic Book - FRAGGLE ROCK and MOUSE GUARD.
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The listing, Archaia Comic Book - FRAGGLE ROCK and MOUSE GUARD. has ended.

Archaia Comic Book - FRAGGLE ROCK and MOUSE GUARD. This was from the 2010 Free Comic Book Day. Read the Fraggle Rock story and when you get to the end, turn the book over and read the Mouse Guard story. NEW. Thanks for looking!


-I only go to the post office 2-3 times a week. I will advise when your item has been sent. After that, it's in the hands of the US Postal Service and they are known to take awhile!

-At the end of the auction, the winner needs to contact me with their full name, and COMPLETE address including ZIP code. Be sure to give me any apartment/unit numbers. It sounds obvious but I've had anumber of items returned due to incomplete addresses so I feel I need to mention it! Having to pay double postage is not cool!
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Archaia Comic Book - FRAGGLE ROCK and MOUSE GUARD. is in the Toys & Hobbies | Other Toys & Hobbies category