Free: Lot 1126 for 13 USED US Stamps for the Decades Series - Stamps - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Lot 1126 for 13 USED US Stamps for the Decades Series

Lot 1126 for 13 USED US Stamps for the Decades Series
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The listing, Lot 1126 for 13 USED US Stamps for the Decades Series has ended.

This is for 13 Different USED US Stamps from the Decades Series. All are pictured above, just double click the image. Lots of fun working on a set of these! I mean just think of how awesome it would be to be able to put together a complete set of all 100 of these in undamaged, used condition! Anyone with enough money and a little patience can acquire a set of MINT ones,,,,but USED, WOW now there is a real challenge. Here is a lot of 13 to help you on your way.
Questions & Comments
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
do you mail to canada? i hope this question doesn't bother you as it does to some others! if i don't ask i won't know!
May 13th, 2014 at 3:17:19 PM PDT by
I usually do not ship to Canada because it costs me more than twice the US Postage like $1.15 US and fees for PayPal eat up 60ยข of that so I would have to charge $1.75 US just to break even on the postage. If you're willing to pay that then sure I can ship to Canada.
May 13th, 2014 at 10:24:23 PM PDT by

Lot 1126 for 13 USED US Stamps for the Decades Series is in the Collectibles | Stamps category