The listing, Cut Flower Wild Flower Mix Seeds has ended.
This mixture of annual and perennial wildflowers provides an abundance of favorite cut flower varieties for beautiful, long lasting arrangements. Provides a continuously changing pattern of blossom colors and shapes. This adaptable mixture will grow virtually anywhere in the United States and Southern Canada. These plants re-boom year after year.
Days to germinate 7-21
Depth to sow 1/8 of an inch
Speed spacing N/A
Growing height 1-3 feet
Type annual/perennial
Sow seeds outdoors in spring, in a sunny location with well drained soil. After all danger of frost has past. Before sowing, use a rake to roughen soil surface to a depth of 1 1/2 to 3 inches, removing any vegetation. Broadcast seeds over the planting area. Rake seeds in very lightly and keep soil moist for 4-6 weeks.
This mixture contains Baby's Breath (annual) Bachelor Buttons, Black Eyed Susan, Blanket Flower, Clarkia, Coreopisis Lance Leaved, Coneflower-purple, ZGodeta, Lavatera, Phlox Drumondii, Shasta Daisy, Sweet William and last but not least the Wallflower.
Garden hints-Each fall, mow or use a weed trimmer to cut plants back to 2-3 inches above the soil line to allow the plants to reseed for blooms the following season. Some perennials don't mature until the second season.
I usually ship within a week of when my auction ends so please verify your listia address so I can ship out to the winner. Please no rude comments or you will be deleted and blocked. Good luck and happy bidding.