Listia payments are made with credits, not cash. You may charge for shipping but you may not charge money for the item you post. You need to ignore your own cash price because you are violating Listia's policies. They may offer cash options in the future but not now. I'm not trying to be harsh but you are already aware of this. You've already had some of your ads suspended and another one settled by Listia. Listia told you why. Please play by the rules or list your items on eBay.
Di do not tell me what i may or may not know!! i deleted everything i had listed that i could, i did not know how this worked once informed i removed my stuff, this i was unable to remove so eat your freakin words b4 you tell people something as i stated im gone...............
Yes it is, I did not understand i use yardseller i didnt know this was bids only it was a mistake and this lady harassed me to no end i had to block her.... now i can add more stuff how do i do that and not get 1credit bids?
at the bottom there is advance settings when you list an auction... I am on facebook and have gotten well won couple of your bracelets from childhood cancer I can walk you thru this.. :)
advanced options.. you click on that and choose 0 - 100 credits to start and can set how many days for the auction to run.... any questions feel free to ask on facebook if need be.. saralee groulx :) I love your jewelry..