Free: Vintage Wheaton NJ Miniature Thomas Jefferson Blue Bottle - Antiques - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Vintage Wheaton NJ Miniature Thomas Jefferson Blue Bottle

Vintage Wheaton NJ Miniature Thomas Jefferson Blue Bottle
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The listing, Vintage Wheaton NJ Miniature Thomas Jefferson Blue Bottle has ended.

Here is an auction for a 1970's Wheaton Miniature Bottle. It stands about 3 inches. NO STOPPER SORRY.
It has Thomas Jefferson on it. No cracks or chips, a couple little scratches though. I have owned it for the last 12 years, it belonged to my mother in law prior to me owning it.

I've cleaned it up the best I can but the inside needs to be cleaned up better. I couldn't reach the very bottom.

FREE SHIPPING to VERIFIED addresses only.

I ship quickly Monday-Friday. Will be shipped first class with tracking!

Questions & Comments
Love it, I auctioned off a red one, the same one, I did ok I guess, good luck, I'll fan you and check out your other items :) would love a fan back. I'll have auctions soon, I'm having another surgery so I don't want to list anything and upset someone by not sending the items out, stuff happens especially when it comes to surgery. Thanks. Nikki
May 21st, 2014 at 12:24:06 PM PDT by
Fanned, good luck with your surgery =)
May 21st, 2014 at 7:55:15 PM PDT by

Vintage Wheaton NJ Miniature Thomas Jefferson Blue Bottle is in the Antiques category