i wanna bid! i really want this but ur new and im afraid to bid lol everytime i trust new ppl i never get the item and i have to go thru the agony of contacting the listia reps. it sux. promise me ur legit and if i bid you will not screw around with me and youll ship me the item?!
like i said before, your child your choice. but that link the other person posted is proving everything i said. most car seat after market covers do replace the padding. if you want to risk your car seat failing because something looks good... have fun. your putting your child at risk for what? fashion.
This is super cute! Been wanting one for my new little one who will hopefully be here in a few days. Plus I hate it when people leave nasty comments on your page to devalue your auction. it isnt very nice as we are ALL grown and can research safety issues on our own! I mean come on! I wonder if she realizes that this doesnt REPLACE the padding but simply goes over it.
also adding the head rest and belt cusions does also void it, unless it comes with the carseat or you order it directly from the manufactor it isn't properly tested.
so are we all living scared now? Everything you do nowadays has some sort of reprocussion.....shame that people live in such fear instead of enjoying life while we have it.
it has not been tested for safety, probably isn't fire resistent, also if you get into a car accident your car insurance can deny all claims for not using a manufacturors safety seat AND cover. you should only use the cover that comes with the seat, regardless of how cute it is