Thanks Leroy but I don't have the stock or anywhere as nice as the ones you have anymore. I gave my first collection to my first grandson which was around 1500 hot wheels. He does not know he has them yet. I'm afraid he would open everyone of them still. He is 11 so maybe soon he will know and understand what he has. Some go back to the 60s.
yea that's a nice collection...your are right its probably best to wait until he can appreciate what they really are...I am glad to see that guys like you still hand collections like that down to there grandchildren...that is awesome!! I too have a huge collection for my 3 year old grand daughter....all the ones I am getting rid of on here are all of my extra cars. I love this van you have...I like the odd or different hot wheels...especially trucks and any chevys of coarse. Glad you like the cars and I hope we can continue making deals....I like to trade too so if you ever see anything you like just let me know and I am sure we can make a deal