I will be listing MORE Bibles in the next few days to a week. They are: 1. NIV Study Bible NEW 2. The Complete LOGOS Study Bible American Standard Version used 3. The Dartmouth Bible (contains the Apocrypha's the "forgotten" scriptures) as well as of course, the Old and New Testament) OLD used 4. NIV in GIANT PRINT in a Wood grain color NEW 5. Kenneth Copelands REFERENCE EDITION NEW costed $150! KJV beautiful 6. Thompson Chain Reference Bible KJV (King James Version) 7. American Standard Version, (several of these) used 8. REVISED American Standard Version (several of these also) used 9. King James Big Print used 9. Strongs Concordance NEW! These sell for $65-$85!
I must start charging postage now, I can't keep pay all this free postage, sorry.
This Bible is BIG! and heavy! To me $75 on ebay! http://cgi.ebay.com/RELIGION-SPURGEON-S-DEVOTIONAL-BIBLE-C-H-Spurgeon-/400215175089?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item5d2eaeefb1
I also put up a NIV new international version STUDY BIBLE I way tooo much stuff to list from this Bible References, MAPS galores! Explanations and annotations on each page. ---------------------------------------------------- I am clearing out my Bible collection a little by little, and a lot of my christian books. I've read them I just don't re-read them.
I will be listing a DARTMOUTH (its has the aporahs, the scriptures that were left out of the bible)
I will be listing a LOGOS complete Study of the bible I will be listing a Kenneth Copeland Study Bible KJV Special Leather NEW I will be listing a Thompson Chain Reference Bible special Leather NEW THIS is awesome.