You need to get your address/tel /credit card or something verified. You can't sell here if you are under 18 to the best of my knowledge, but if you scroll down (click on your own pic, ) below it is a list of "verifications" click on that (I''ll find you the link) you are 18 right? Some kids come on here trying to sell their mom's jewelry! Lol! or sisters. and some are just scammers. That's why you aren't getting bids, You have no track record of auctions(feedback) , you look too young (lol! Maybe you are 50!! I don't know! )and you say its gold, but show no pics of the marks inside., you haven't got any pics of a receipt or any identifying info(tags , ect) It's best to be straightforward here , get verified , (good that you said CZ's!! ) I wanna believe it is real gold, but like most Listians I want a bit of back-up , 14 hours is plenty of time. People generally bid at the last minute (seriously!)Here's the link, I might bid if you do it quick, you've got enough time! Good luck! If you are not over 18 ask an adult to verify for you.