Free: Doctor Who and the Daemons - Fiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Doctor Who and the Daemons

Doctor Who and the Daemons
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The listing, Doctor Who and the Daemons has ended.

Doctor Who is strangely concerned about Professor Horner's plan to cut open an ancient barrow near the peaceful English village of Devil's End; equally worried is Miss Hawthorne, the local white witch, who foretells a terrible disaster if he goes ahead.

Determined that the Professor should is Mr Magister, the new vicar (in truth, the Master) whose secret ceremonies are designed to conjure up from out of the barrow a horribly powerful being from a far-off planet.

The Brigadier and Jo Grant assist Doctor Who in this exciting confrontation with the forces of black magic!
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Doctor Who and the Daemons is in the Books | Fiction Books category