Yes the fix would be simple but the fact that it was loosened indicates that the wakizashi was used in the hacking or chopping moves of the western swordsman and not in the slicing or pull-through of the eastern swordsman. Is there any damage to the blade?
No damage to the blade. I never used it for practice or anything else. I had it display when I was younger, and it has been in storage for the last four years.
to further answer gryphin17: The hand guard seems to be brass, or some other metal plated to look like brass. It also has two samurai warriors facing off against a dragon. The end cap on the handle also has dragons on it.
Thank you. For who ever gets this nice peace: the fix would be to to locate the two wooden "pins" (looks like wood circle) under braid on handle. If pushed through, the tang is released and can be gently pulled from the handle. Often info about the sword is recorded on the tang. The problem is probably that the wooden pins have shrunk over time and no longer hold the blade snugly. The can be oiled or replaced. This is best done by a pro and the sensai at most any dojo could either fix or recommend some one. Thanks.