OK heres the deal my friend Coowboys fan said will you do free shipping IF the bid gets to 300 or above I said yes therefore any bid of 300 or above I will pick up the shipping for the winner if the bid stays below 300 then the winner is going to have to pay for the shipping
I cant afford to do free shipping when I'm only getting 1 point for the game I would be losing out hardcore on that heck I could more taking to gamestop they would give like a dollar for it LOL. If the bid is higher then yeah I can see doing free shipping but none of these 1 points that wouldnt be worth it for me
Cause I need the zip the know where I am shipping so I can know how much I would need to spend to get it to whoever I aint looking to lose out on this deal
I'll do free shipping as long as its here in the US and the bid is over 350 cause the shipping is $4.75 to Cali and thats about as far away from me you can get.
i have the same game for xbox too, and ts pretty decent i would have to say...but they coulda make it better for 07...2k7 is way better than this, but as i said b4, its pretty decent...illl bid on if it was fr4ee shipping, but
LOL Nah I cant do it for so little I mean it's only like $3 or $4 shipping and like I said if the bid was higher yes I would do it but I cant take a total loss on it you know