The listing, Fendi handbag as - is (was a gift and slight damage) has ended.
This is a Fendi handbag that I've used about two dozen or so times but is very clean!
The lines are perfect. The bag it came in is gone.
I do not know if this authentic due to it being a gift, I'm telling you this honestly!
The original bag and gift box I received it in also looked very authentic! But I no longer have them.It was sold to someone who's a neat freak and wanted to protect her bag!
I believe it is as my one friend also has one similar and bought it from Fendi.
It's about 5 years plus old.
It is 18" across
10" tall without handles , with handles it measures 17" tall and 5" wide!!
Please keep in mind the authenticity question when bidding.
I received TONS of compliments on my purse.
I will not ask the person whom bought it for me as I do not want to offend him.
It is large!
Negative comments will be deleted and reported!
As always with my auctions I offer free show on the Continental USA!!
Gin 20000.
I pay shipping get that's why I ask a little more
Again this is sold as- is!!!