Free: CANCER SURVIVOR TOKEN & GIN BONUS - Other Collectibles - Auctions for Free Stuff


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The listing, CANCER SURVIVOR TOKEN & GIN BONUS has ended.

Due to the many requests I received privately to list this again, I have done as asked. This is a beautiful token for the survivor to carry in their pocket, wallet, or just to place on the dresser to look at and remind you of the wonderful accomplishments and strides you've made. Or pass it on to a friend or family member who has suffered or is suffering and let them know that they're on your mind. On one side of the token the word "Survivor" is etched, and on the other, "love, hope, courage". The company that makes these tokens donates a portion of the sales to the fight against cancer. Also, on the card that is with the token the saying "I have found strength and true beauty. I am a Survivor.

The auction is for the token only. If the gin is used, the bidder also receives the magnetic ribbon symbol of breast cancer as well the pink rubber bracelet that reads "Together
We will find a cure".

Thank you for stopping by. This auction is a safe haven for all who want to share their story of their battle with cancer or their loved ones battle without judgement or rudeness. Any such comments and that person will be immediately and permanently blocked from all my auctions.
Questions & Comments
Thanks for letting me know about this auction. F&B
Jul 26th, 2014 at 6:46:45 PM PDT by
My pleasure...have a beautiful Sunday!
Jul 26th, 2014 at 8:03:06 PM PDT by
Love this! My Mother and I are both survivors. I have 2 friends that are currently fighting. Fanned and watching. Thank you!
Jul 26th, 2014 at 8:34:16 PM PDT by
God bless you and your mother! I can't say enough how happy I am for the both of you! Prayers for continued success and prayers for your two friends! Thank you for fanning and watching
Jul 26th, 2014 at 9:33:14 PM PDT by
Yes i got this for my mother she loves it!! Recommended seller !! fan and watching!! My mom is a new inspirational writer and author of Butterflies and Angels u can get autograph signed copies directly through me and my mother can also be personalized with name and inspirational message!! God bless u lisa and hope u are doing well!!
Jul 29th, 2014 at 7:00:42 AM PDT by
I did an update for your mom's book. Hopefully you'll get some attention!!!
Jul 29th, 2014 at 9:02:25 PM PDT by
my twin, my self and my mother are all celebrating beating breast cancer next july will be mine and my sisters 5th year so we will be officialy cancer free, i so want to give this to her with a bracelet i made. she is so carinf and thoughful just her to know how proud i am of her i am. please let me win.
Aug 4th, 2014 at 4:07:11 AM PDT by
First allow me to congratulate you and your sister for being cancer free. Those are wonderful words to hear. Prayers for your mother as she reaches her anniversary. Sweetie, you surely must realize that I don't possibly have any control over who wins my auctions, right? That wouldn't be's not who has the best or the worst story. In my eyes, everybody's story is just as heartfelt as the next. This is what GIN's are for too. For someone who has the credits and really wants it. That's also why I listed my auction for three weeks. So somebody short on credits could build them up as there's many ways to do it here including buying them outright. So good luck sweetie, I wish you all the luck you need
Aug 4th, 2014 at 7:13:03 PM PDT by
Aug 5th, 2014 at 8:21:18 AM PDT by
Thank you for your support!
Aug 6th, 2014 at 9:27:00 AM PDT by
thanks i know have a great day!!!
Aug 8th, 2014 at 12:06:21 PM PDT by
You too sweetie!
Aug 8th, 2014 at 10:45:23 PM PDT by

CANCER SURVIVOR TOKEN & GIN BONUS is in the Collectibles | Other Collectibles category