Free: The Secret Language of Birthdays *Personology Profiles For Each Day Of The Year* Hardcover Book - Other Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: The Secret Language of Birthdays *Personology Profiles For Each Day Of The Year* Hardcover Book

The Secret Language of Birthdays *Personology Profiles For Each Day Of The Year* Hardcover Book
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The listing, The Secret Language of Birthdays *Personology Profiles For Each Day Of The Year* Hardcover Book has ended.

*Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers*

I found this gem while digging around out in one of the storage sheds. I will start off by saying this book seems to be in decent condition, with the exception of the smell. It smells like an old book, but I am trying to improve that. The cover and pages seem to be in good condition. Regardless of the scent, this 832 page book is full of information relating to the kind of person you are the based on the day you were born. I found it very entertaining! Here is a review from booklist:

"Take a little astrology, mix it with some tarot and some numerology, add a dash of psychology, frost with your birthday, and you've got "personology." For those who don't believe in astrology, the tarot, or numerology, this premise is certain to sound like hokum. But surprisingly, Goldschneider's assessments of personality on the basis of one's birthday seem fairly accurate--at least in this reviewer's smallish survey. The author's theory is that because all of life is cyclical, people born on the same day occupy the same point in the year's cycle and thus share characteristics. Even total nonbelievers will find this big, attractive book fun to read. Each day gets a double-page spread with a personality description, health information, and the date's relation to astrology signs and the tarot. There are also long lists of people born on each day, though here's where personology gives pause. Can March 10's Harriet Tubman and Chuck Norris really have all that much in common?"

Since this book weighs five pounds and it's a thick 800+ pages, I will most likely be sending it media mail unless I find a cheaper alternative.

To make this interesting, if you would like to know a couple of things about yourself (strengths, weaknesses, number) then you can post your birthday in the comments and we can have some fun with this!
Questions & Comments
Can you list something for my birthday? It's July 6th. Thanks :)
Jun 17th, 2011 at 8:18:07 PM PDT by
You share a birthday with Dalai Lama, Sylvester Stallone, Frieda Kahlo, and lots of other famous people! July Sixth: The day of magnetic desire!

Strengths: Attractive, Intent, Involved
Weaknesses: Obsessive, Stuck, Addictive

Those born on July 6 are invariably involved in relationships and careers where there is a mutual attraction/magnetism working with the object of their desire. There is a fatalistic cast to the lives of July 6 people in that life decisions sometimes seem less like choices than inevitabilities for them.
Jun 17th, 2011 at 9:25:58 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
To get the smell out

1. Pour baking soda in the pages of the book or completely submerging the book in baking soda. Baking soda is a mild deodorizer that will help reduce much of the smell without damaging the book.

2. To use kitty litter, sift the litter in the pages of the book and around the outside of the book. Make sure it is clean litter, though, or the mildew smell will not be your only one.

3. To use cedar shavings or litter for gerbils and hamsters, use the same method as you would with kitty litter.

4. Put a layer of charcoal at the bottom of a box and place a sheet of wax paper over it. Then stand the book on top of the wax paper and try to open it so the pages fan out. This will work well with a hardback or mass market paperback. Close the box to create an enclosed chamber.

For all these methods, the length of time needed may vary depending on the strength of the smell and the strength of the deodorizer. Some may take just a few hours, some a few days, others weeks. Just be persistent.
Jun 10th, 2011 at 4:25:33 AM PDT by
I think I will try the baking soda method first! Thank you for all of the great suggestions!
Jun 10th, 2011 at 12:39:35 PM PDT by
12/27/57....I love books like this, very entertaining!
Jun 12th, 2011 at 10:54:25 AM PDT by
The strengths of people born on December 27th: Giving, Noble, Devoted.
Weaknesses: Guilt-Ridden, Self-Doubting, Repressed.

December 27 people are service-oriented in the highest sense, that is, concerned with the wants and needs of family, friends and community. Often possessed of technical skills, they know how to put their talents to good use and though they tend to be idealistic can temper this idealism by making practical contributions to life around them...

Win this book for more! Thanks for playing along!
Jun 12th, 2011 at 11:04:00 AM PDT by
Most of that is definitely like me, but the "repressed" part, not so much! bwahahaha
Jun 12th, 2011 at 11:49:15 AM PDT by
Jun 12th, 2011 at 6:36:09 PM PDT by
very interesting..i did my numerology profile and it was completely true. i'm always interested in learning more, so i'll be watching this one!
Jun 12th, 2011 at 9:09:06 PM PDT by
Strengths: Stalwart, Independent, Consequent
Weaknesses: Isolated, Fixed, Stubborn

The 8th card of the Major Arcana is Strength and Courage, which depicts a graceful queen taming a furious lion. The queen symbolizes the female Magician who can master rebellious energies and stands for moral as well as physical strength. This card's positive attributes include charisma and determination to succeed; the negative qualities include complacency and the misuse of power.
Jun 13th, 2011 at 12:14:57 AM PDT by
Just to let you all know. I don't need your birth year, just the month and day. I thought I'd add that in case anyone was hesitant!
Jun 13th, 2011 at 12:16:07 AM PDT by
yep, that describes me very well, although i believe that in some circumstances, being stubborn is also a strength. i'll have to find something to list so i can get more credits for this :D
Jun 13th, 2011 at 12:45:22 PM PDT by
I agree that being stubborn can also be a strength, as long as you find that healthy balance of when to use it! Good luck!
Jun 13th, 2011 at 8:39:14 PM PDT by
December 7th
Jun 13th, 2011 at 12:51:32 PM PDT by
The day of idiosyncrasy. Those born on December 7 are one of a kind. In adolescence and early adulthood, December 7 people are often undecided as to what profession or line of work they wish to pursue. Not uncommonly they try a number of different occupations, very different in nature, before they finally hit on one that suits them best. Usually they then stick to this one for life, but are not necessarily happy at it. Part of the reason that it's so difficult for them to adopt a satisfactory social role is that they are ambivalent about society itself. Also, what they like to do best, what really comes naturally to them, is not always what they can make money at. Consequently they can suffer many anxieties and frustrations, and perhaps wind up believing they have failed.

Strengths: Imaginative, Sensitive, Highly Individual
Weaknesses: Peculiar, Nervous, Withdrawn
Jun 13th, 2011 at 8:47:37 PM PDT by
I have actually consulted this book and found it GREAT! Would like my own copy--wish me luck!
Jun 13th, 2011 at 5:58:36 PM PDT by
Thank you for the comment and good luck!
Jun 13th, 2011 at 8:49:03 PM PDT by
any luck getting the smell out??? :>)
Jun 13th, 2011 at 8:54:53 PM PDT by
So far I have just let the sun get to it, and the smell does seem to be not as strong as when I first got it. Hopefully I'm not just immune to it now, haha.
Jun 13th, 2011 at 8:58:49 PM PDT by
I am waiting it out. i 'll get it on the last day of the auction.! july 3, 1966
Jun 14th, 2011 at 10:09:43 PM PDT by
That's coming up soon, and you share a birthday with Tom Cruise, haha!

Strengths: Observant, Truthful, Sensitive
Weaknesses: All-Knowing, Overcritical, Withdrawn

July 3 people are born chroniclers, diarists and commemorators of events and tradition. Many born on this day think of themselves as upholders of the rights of the common man/woman. True champions of the strangest and most wayward individuals, they themselves may just as likely be of conservative appearance and habits.
Jun 15th, 2011 at 10:50:36 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Let's see what you for December 26th!!!! Great auction!!!!
Jun 17th, 2011 at 10:03:20 PM PDT by
Thank you!

Strengths: Careful, Persevering, Methodical
Weaknesses: Inflexible, Dominating, Authoritarian

Those born on December 26 will not be beaten down. Not uncommonly they adopt a rebellious stance, particularly in the youth. Because they tend to live on the fringe, or at the very least oppose the prevailing standards of the day, they can be labeled as troublemakers and attract a measure of hostility and negative energy. Over the years their outlook usually becomes more conservative, settled and reserved, but if they remain unfulfilled or on the outside of society, such may not be the case. More highly evolved December 26 individuals eventually moderate their involvement with issues of power and become more open and accepting.
Jun 18th, 2011 at 11:51:38 AM PDT by
October 16th
Jun 20th, 2011 at 1:15:53 AM PDT by
Strengths: Discriminating, Practical, Fair
Weaknesses: Prickly, Defensive, Difficult

The theme of judgment is a central focus in the lives of October 16 people. They are often found pondering decisions, either professional or personal. Being able to size up a situation and grasp the essence of it seems to come naturally to them. They are not overly "judgmental" people, in the sense of having preconceived ideas or prejudices, demanding adherence to their personal morality or being unaccepting or closed. On the contrary, those born on this day are generally quite liberal and available for all sorts of new ideas and discussion. Their judgment of things around them is more of an objective evaluation, i.e., being able to assess someone or something's worth or utility in real terms.
Jun 20th, 2011 at 6:08:22 PM PDT by
That sounds a lot like me. Thanks! Fanned you.
Jun 20th, 2011 at 6:31:49 PM PDT by
Awesome! There's much more in the book! Thanks!
Jun 20th, 2011 at 6:58:25 PM PDT by
This sounds about mine march 17?
Jun 20th, 2011 at 6:57:37 PM PDT by
Strengths: Adaptable, Expressive, Enthusiastic
Weaknesses: Self-Effacing, Ineffectual, Disconnected

Those born on March 17 live exciting lives taken up with the recurring themes of flying, floating, music, dance, movement and travel of all sorts. They are quite capable of losing themselves in an activity, cause or experience, relinquishing many demands of their ego in the process. Highly evolved individuals born on this day are able to engage in such activities while at the same time expressing a strong sense of self. Less highly evolved individuals tend to be overly self-effacing or passive, unable to direct their lives effectively.
Jun 20th, 2011 at 7:03:15 PM PDT by
Update: The smell has been tamed down tremendously! It still has a slight smell if you sniff the pages, but it's nothing like it was before.
Jun 21st, 2011 at 5:06:54 PM PDT by

The Secret Language of Birthdays *Personology Profiles For Each Day Of The Year* Hardcover Book is in the Books | Other Books category