You have 0% seller feedback, you havent listed how you take payment. Thats why i was asking if you could ship for free because you dont have your sellers wings yet :)
I have paypal, will also except money order or bank check, no personal checks. I am working on getting my wings, (sounds funny like an angel would say) lol I can't afford to ship for free, but if it costs less to ship then what I am asking then I will refund the difference. I listed one item on here recently, just mailed it yesterday and I paid $10 more for shipping then I asked, I should have weighed it before listing it, but that is how we learn things.
Just a piece of advice regarding shipping, sometimes Priority Regional Box A is cheaper than the other priority mail. And for some reason it's always cheaper to buy postage online. I know it's not that much infor but I hope it helps. Welcome to listia. And thank you for putting these here. I am trying to save some clothes for my son.