The listing, Natural Blend Ivory Powder Foundation has ended.
Please read all of the following before bidding. Failure to understand the terms listed in this auction will result in a loss on your part and not mine. I will NOT refund credits if your issue could have been addressed by reading this section.
1. Before you bid: ask yourself: "Will I leave feedback?". If you doubt yourself on this front, please don't bid. I feel that if I can go the extra mile to ship quickly and package nicely and communicate with you through the entire process, the least you can do is leave feedback AS SOON AS you get your item. I am having buyers who get their item (I always include tracking) and neglect to leave feedback. Not only do I have to wait for my well-earned credits, but I end up with a feedback score LOWER than what I have actually earned. "Fool me once"...shame on you. There is no "fool me twice". You will be banned from my auctions. Considering I do awesome makeup lots, you don't want to miss out!!
2. You MUST SEND ME YOUR ADDRESS within 7 days. I don't mind sending a friendly reminder within three days or so. But keep in mind that the faster you send your address, the faster you get your item!
3. Generally, my auctions are planned around my paydays so that I can continue to offer free shipping. You can ask if I will lower the days or offer a GIN if there are no bids. I will try to work with you. However, please understand that I am broke 90% of the time (basically any day that I don't get paid on! Haha!).
4. Lastly! Have fun! I don't want rude comments towards my auctions OR anyone commenting on them. I ALWAYS will offer to right wrongs and I ALWAYS describe items to the best of my ability with complete honesty! If a problem arises, let's work it out like adults in private instead of being ugly and immature in public. Rudeness will also get you banned.
I am online every day, so feel free to ask questions!
Up for your consideration is a natural powder foundation by Wet N Wild in Ivory.