I just won the yellow,red and green m&m candles. I would love to win this blue as well..I really would love to get the whole set..do you know if they make a chocolate one? fanned and bidding..hoping to win..
I will have to go to the store and look! I had only seen the berry and strawberry! They should make a chocolate one though, definitely would fit"M&M" lol. Fanned back!
huh, didn't know about the strawberry either, the red one that I won was cinnamon, the green was pear, and the yellow was vanilla..now I am really intriged..so my spelling is awful..lol thanks for answering back...
I found all mine at Wal-mart, except for the few i picked up at M&M World in Las Vegas and I don't think you can get them at stores, i got Chocolate Raspberry and Mint there..but maybe you can buy elsewhere just haven't sen those except M&M World :)