People comment when they're not interested to ensure people aren't trying to auction replica bags. You can say all you want that it's real, but that doesn't make it true.
A real Louis Vuitton pochette bag would be way more than $200. I can tell from the coloring and the way the logos are placed that this bag is not an authentic Louis Vuitton.
And I did not say I paid 200 for it I said I paid OVER 200 for it If you aren't interested in it then don't comment on it!! I've never understood why people comment on things if they weren't interested in the first place have a great day
I know they are often replicated and I do this for a living I have an ebay store and I own multiple coach , Louis Vuitton , michael kors etc...bags!! I know my bags and I know when they are fake This clutch / Pouchette is not fake
It's fake hun. I've studied lv for OVER 10 years. People are just trying to help. The woman above just said you got ripped off on ebay and said you should open a claim through PayPal to get your money back. She's only trying to help you.