I can tell you the same if you win this auction you will get all of this . I have won a couple of hers and have always gotten her stuff in a quick delivery as well.
a lady a couple weeks ago was posting some bait and i won all three of her auctions and never heard from her again.... assuming she was a scam .... can you tell me i will get all of these if i win. my b/f wasn't too happy with the last auction i did. need to win some points
i've come to realize even though i am still fairly new that there are scammers that post just to get the extra 500 quick points .... i've learned now to look at peoples profile first and read everything under the original posting ....
i looked at your profile and see you are much more qualified than the other person, she only auctioned a few things but they got them (commented they got them late but still) curiosity question, if you find more like you stated in your comment can you do more of a tier or separate them and do separate auctions. i see your last auction went for 10,000+ i'm not sure i'll be able to get that and i think you might get more points if you separate them or tier them. i hope i win, i'll score big points with the boyfriend and i absolutely love fishing... so far i have out fished him, yay me and he loves it
Yes mam, Thank you, I know your concern, and how you feel It happens to often that you don't get what your supposed to, for one reason or another. The ones that don't want to participate shouldn't be allowed on the site. I assure you if you are the winner you will get your items