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Sep 23rd, 2014 at 4:39:41 AM PDT by
The ring was bought off eBay for me by my husband. But it was too small. The stones are a light topaz.
So if I were to bid on it right before the time is up does it just get sent out in the mail I'm just wondering bc I'm new to this and so far I think it's really cool lol but this ring is perfect size for my pregnant fiance she's been going threw a lot with her grandpa passing a year ago and her father pasting a couple months ago I'm going to bid on it hope it works out lol she deserves something nice the ring she has now is just a fake wallmart ring I paid for it=/ it's not much but I would love to get her something real I want to let her no I'm there for her n will never leave her bc she's all I got I care about and there's only a very few selected that she's got but they won't talk to her bc the pregnancy