Free: girls size 3 black jeans from lei - Girls' Clothing - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: girls size 3 black jeans from lei

girls size 3 black jeans from lei
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The listing, girls size 3 black jeans from lei has ended.

girls size three black jeans from lei
woren maby twice are in excelent shape thet were my little sisters but she dont want them anymore
now with the shipping thing the pirce i put is how much it cost to ship them flat rate

To calculate domestic prices or international prices , visit USPS Homepage or call 1·800·ASK·USPS.

One ounce is approximately equal to three sheets of paper plus a standard envelope.

Express Mail®
Flat-Rate Envelope $17.50

Express Mail prices are based on weight and distance.

For Sunday/holiday delivery, add $12.50.
Prices are available up to 70 lbs.
For complete Express Mail prices, see the domestic postage calculator.

Priority Mail®
Flat-Rate Envelope $4.95

Priority Mail Flat-Rate Boxes are available, regardless of the actual weight of the piece up to the 70-lb. limit, at the following prices:

Small Flat-Rate Box
• Domestic or APO/FPO addresses: $4.95

Regular/Medium Flat-Rate Boxes
• Domestic or APO/FPO addresses: $10.35

Large Flat-Rate Box
• APO/FPO destination addresses: $11.95
• Domestic address: $13.95

For complete Priority Mail prices, see the domestic postage calculator.
Questions & Comments

girls size 3 black jeans from lei is in the Clothing, Shoes & Accessories | Girls' Clothing category