My post office is requiring me to insure n make it priority mail because of the package n size. I cant get exact shipping without actually going to the post office. shipping is shipping and i can only give an estimated guess. they are going by the dimensions and weight of the guitar. I am able to lower the cost a bit but that would leave the guitar uninsured and I'm not going to be held accountable for anything that happens in transit.
The shipping includes the cost of a specific guitar shipping box in order to keep guitar safe. I can't change the cost of shipping if you don't like the cost don't bid. My zip is 03820 for anyone who is also worried about shipping
it plays perfectly fine. no cracks or warping. did mention the filed frets. was playin every day so electronics are fine. Honestly, I have a 3/4 size fender acoustic n my husband has a bc rich electric n the jackson just doesn't get played... no reason to keep it in a house full of small kids when some one else can play n appreciate it more than us