Free: Gorgeous Women's Ring With White Sapphire Gemstones Size 5 18kt WG Filled - Rings - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Gorgeous Women's Ring With White Sapphire Gemstones Size 5 18kt WG Filled

Gorgeous Women's Ring With White Sapphire Gemstones Size 5 18kt WG Filled
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The listing, Gorgeous Women's Ring With White Sapphire Gemstones Size 5 18kt WG Filled has ended.

This is a BEAUTIFUL women's white sapphire gemstone ring. It is a size 5. Planning on an engagement? This one or any of the other rings I have listed would be a beautiful one for that reason, or an anniversary if they are the right size. It's 18kt white gold filled. This one has a heart for the main stone and smaller ones down the sides. The ring is much more daintier than what this photo shows. This would make someone very happy to get for a Christmas present, birthday gift, or a romantic gift for your special one. This ring would be a gorgeous engagement ring! This ring will come in a super nice round foil box with a bow on it. Take a peek at my other pieces I have listed and check back constantly. I try to list more everyday. Thanks for looking!

Gold-filled jewelry, also known as "rolled gold", is composed of a solid layer of gold that is bonded with heat and pressure to another metal. Our high quality gold-filled jewelry has the same appearance as solid 9k gold, and is far more durable than gold plate, even with daily wear, nickel-free 9k gold-filled jewelry is a perfect solution for people with sensitive skin. If you can wear solid gold, it is highly unlikely that gold-filled jewelry will cause irritation.
Nickel free-Gold Filled/Gold Layered Jewelry (the highest Safety Standard & environmental protection standard), 9k gold filled jewelries are guaranteed to not irritate sensitive skin.
Questions & Comments
ill give you 7000
Oct 23rd, 2014 at 11:48:02 AM PDT by
Hon, I can't drop that low. I buy these to list on here and with the chunks listia takes out for the higher listing and a BIG chunk for the GIN price, and paying $2 to ship it, I'd be giving it away or practically paying you to take it from me. I'm sorry.
Oct 23rd, 2014 at 2:57:11 PM PDT by
Sorry hon, listia takes such a huge chuck for the higher listing price and especially the GIN. I bought these to list, I have to at least break even. Sorry hon.
Oct 23rd, 2014 at 11:49:54 AM PDT by
No, they don't mark these being filled/rolled.
Oct 23rd, 2014 at 3:47:16 PM PDT by
Is it flush or does it stand up
Oct 24th, 2014 at 1:13:13 PM PDT by
They all stand up hon. Beauttiiiifullll!!
Oct 24th, 2014 at 3:27:36 PM PDT by
Love it. Can you post a real picture like on your finger an with your listia name next to it. I have the credits to do a gin just need to see more pictures please.
Oct 26th, 2014 at 9:40:35 AM PDT by
Hi hon, I posted the only one I could get to turn out. I'm a very lousy photographer. It might help if I'd read the instructions of the camera, you think? LOL
Oct 26th, 2014 at 2:57:08 PM PDT by
Okay, your asking the worst photo taker to take on a big task, lol, and my finger is too fat, I can't even get it to my pinky knuckle LOL. It's so much prettier in person than in this photo. I'll try it outside. Hang on a bit!
Oct 26th, 2014 at 2:43:33 PM PDT by
Well I took a lot and only got one to even look half deceit!! ARG! Forgive my dry skin, we were putting mortar in our new shower floor! lol
Oct 26th, 2014 at 2:53:48 PM PDT by
Wow I hope u got it off your finger okay. But it looks more gold tone on your finger, then with the first picture that looks like it is all silver.
Oct 26th, 2014 at 4:29:55 PM PDT by
It's definitely NOT gold tone at all. It's a super shiny silver! I told you I'm not a photographer. Yeah, I got it off, you have tiny fingers! lol
Oct 26th, 2014 at 4:42:25 PM PDT by

Gorgeous Women's Ring With White Sapphire Gemstones Size 5 18kt WG Filled is in the Jewelry & Watches | Rings category