This is the most unusual cameo i have ever seen! you stated it was a pendant. that to is not as usual . you see more pins/brooches that are cameos. it looks really vintage. its on my watch list! although i am new and dont have many credits! good luck!!!!
if the cameo has a man on it; it is more rare. since Cameo's mostly have women on them.they had a cameo awhile back on roadshow and they said it's very rare to find a man.
I am not an expert on cameos but it looks like this could be a blue or green jasper cameo. There are no markings on the back of the cameo at all? What does the clasp look like on the back ?
It is very pretty and unusual . A lovely cameo to add to a collection.
you have alot of auctions listed and that have ended...are you going to verify your account (phone, bank)? Please understand, I have already been jipped 3 times in the past 4 weeks by new sellers not sending items and I just want to make sure you are going to send and I don't have to file refund cedits again, take so much time. Thanks, MM