Well, actually after seeing the pics I have already provided, everything relevant is already shown. It is an older style so it might not look exactly like the brand new ones that are on the store shelves. Juicy is always coming out with new styles so if you know of the wallets to have a "charge it" pocket inside, that very well could be the newer style.
The following was copied from the website: Spot fake handbags.com Juicy Guide 101 4. Zippers: The zippers all have YKK etched on the side. This is hard to spot but you only have to look very closely. Also applies to all newer (all above year 2007) zippers on wallets/other accessories and even the hoodies.
I have provided a picture of the zipper containing the letters "YKK" on it.
The following was copied from the website: Spot fake handbags.com Juicy Guide 101 (Guide to recognizing an authentic Juicy Couture product) 4. Zippers: The zippers all have YKK etched on the side. This is hard to spot but you only have to look very closely. Also applies to all newer (all above year 2007) zippers on wallets/other accessories and even the hoodies.
I have provided a picture of the zipper containing the letters "YKK" on it.