Discover which ones should be shaken and which ones should be stirred-and it does matter-with this superb collection of classic and contemporary cocktail recipes. Easy to follow instructions will soon insure that you are mixing, shaking, stirring and pouring with all the confidence and elan of a professional bartender in any of the world's great cosmopolitan cities in your own home. You'll also find help advice on essential bar equipment, glasses, measuring and mixing that will guarantee success. Plus some tips of the trade for that extra special touch. There are fail safe recipes for every kind of cocktail from familiar favorites to exciting new concoctions and from long refreshing coolers to vibrant little shooters, using all imaginable ingredients. Whether your taste is for the traditional and subtle, the exotic and flamboyant, the colorful and creamy or the fresh and fruity, you are sure to find the perfect mix for every occasion.
Questions & Comments
I should also mention, this book has a scratch across the dust cover. It did not get to the book.