yeah but just talked to gamestop again the red wing light the power shut down dont always work and u know those are pros kris so yeah problly have to take it some where else because one light and for 2 the cd tray is going bad how would u clean it when they saidd it was a tray hmmm just saying they said its no a cheap fix even if do it theirself might mess something up talked about two hours with gamestop about it kris
but might take it to gamestop just pay almost 90$ to get it upgraded harddrive tray and the wing it's not much 90$ i dont think for pros to do it and be running like new
but whoever wins sounds like their gonna be putting out lots of money because its not very fixable for anyone but pros but yeah kris i understand but stilll either way their be putting out the butt because kinda broke like she wrote
plus no buyer can send back it's buyers remorse no send me it back if u cant fix so it's on them bro she wrote in clear letters BROKEN XBOX so if they get it cant send it back ***** at her it dont work
if yall bid and dont work when gets their theirs no money back means ur cedits are hers rither u want it our not and if works or not theirs No buyers remorse and plus big letters at top if blind XBOX360 BROKEN not xbox working read before u bid plz because yall aint getting cedits back she keeps them she wrote in clear No buyers remorse
but just watch urselfs the no remorse means if it dont work they aint sending ur cedits back u just loose them and get to keep what u got even if broken want it or not ppl explaining the remorse means u get it as is just like a car if buy as is who knows when it will stop running
Ive successfully repaired these systems many of times , its usually the mother board needs a transistor replaced , the towel method and overheating method only work as a temp fix , but i am able to permanently fix this issue with a little solder and new transistor