just started last month n had to ask around too so if u go to ur user name then scroll down to "my listia" click that . then go to "goals' n you can complete profile w phone verification n theres a facebook verification , gets ya like a couple of grand in points too i think! theres also a place to click, again on the "my listia' page , way way down on the left side . for adress verification ect. maybe under profile too oll go check n make sure. really need ur address verified or most all folks wont ship to ya. if ur listings is just an sample of ur items ull do really great! need more help just let me know1
for the answer to that ill have to get my daughter in law.my phone didnt recharge last night so i cnt get on it to see how its done on it. im not a big fan of the app but try just doing a regular search to get on listia then ull get a desk top version, (im pretty sure)..then u can ask listia for help by scrolling down to the very very bottom of any page to the grey area to "connect"n trurn in a customer support email.