Thanks! I made it too Rachel. I remember you also have some stuff I made. I plan on making more necklaces, key chains, bracelets and string bookmarks in the future. If the roads are bad then the winner may have to wait till the roads are better. I also have been having car trouble.
Yes I know you made it. :-) I can tell because you make the really nice stuff. :-) How is your weather there? So far our weather has been actually nice for this time of year. It is very odd for this time year too. LOL but I am not going to complain I love it. :-)
So far we haven't gotten any snow. I still am preparing for it just in case. They did say something about flurries the other day on the news but we only had 1 small flurry shower. Usually winter here gets very cold and I have had years where I was snowed in and couldn't do anything outside of the house because of the roads. There's an alley behind our house and that rarely gets a snow truck if ever and lots of cars have been stuck out in ditches so I will often get rides from my mom or Chad whether it be post office, gym ect since that LeBaron I have hates winter and I get a nervous wreck when driving in bad weather.
That is true! I made a red bracelet key chain so I won't be as likely to lose my keys. That has happened even with that on it and luckally there's a YMCA card. Someone found the keys and returned it to the YMCA.