Deservedly so, you have ALOT of very loyal Lisalistians on here! There, I've just given your fan group an unofficial-official name! Can't wait to see the new stuff! Will check back soon!!
I want to thank you personally for being one of those loyal listians this is why I o this I love to shop and I have resources here in seattle so it's not hard for me to find higher end at the little boutique I go too on sundays they have a tag sale and I am faithful to their business needless to say you all are why I do this no really it means the world to me to put smiles on peoples faces so thank you sweets for everything
Aw, you are so the sweetest! Well Well, thanks and backatcha! You should be one people look to on "how to do an auction". Reasonable GIN, honest, fast and super sweet! Too bad they can't all be like you sweetheart! But grateful for the ones who are!!
got it sweetheart why thank you I have another wonderful listian that I shop for here and I am always looking for stuff for you guys I went today and got a bunch check in again soon you know I will have some Carla prettys just for you hugs sweets