I'm a jewelry designer and merchant. I can tell just by looking that it is real jade? The carving is nice and it most likely came out of Thailand or, perhaps, The border area with China/Burma. You can sometimes tell where it came from by Buddha's weight....is he the thin or chubby Buddha.....with the tourist industry things are a little less cut and dry. It's a lower quality jade, but other things such as carving quality, color, and size will also play into the value. I think the current bid of 4182 is almost a steal :) Also, that cockatiel is adorable!
Oh, if you ever want to verify if it is real jade, jade will be cooler to the touch than glass or plastic, and if you have two pieces of jade you can rub them carefully together. Real jade will have a grainier texture. Hope I haven't yammered on too long, just wanted to help :)