ms70 is the highest grade a coin can get...the ms stands for Mint State and the 70 is the number...there are ten different mint state grades and they go from ms60(being the lowest min state grade...which is still a very high grade for any coin) to ms70(being the highest grade a coin can receive...a coin must be completely flawless in every way to receive an ms70 grade and they go for the most money. Now only a professional grading company can really give out ms grades with numbers following them...unless u are certified to do so or are a licensed coin grader, or have had your coin graded by one of these companies, then the everyday coin collector will usually just grade their coins without using the numbers and just say ms or mint state...after mint state comes AU or almost uncirculated and it cotinues down all the way to the lowest grade which is AG or About Good...several years back a coin expert created this 70 point grading system....hope that helps...any more questions feel free to click my link and ask....Thanks