Wonder Mom here! How are you? I have another game for you courtesy of a very ungrateful Kid #1. Here is what happened..........It's that time of year again. Time to buy school supplies (jumps up and down and blesses the school system) and clean out the kids room to make room for more stuff and actually have room for kid #1 to walk in his room without killing himself by falling over stuff. Anyway, Wonder Mom grabs multiple trash bags and kid #1. Oppsss.........I meant gently takes Kid #1 into his room. Kid #1 says "Mom, my room is fine. Can we do this tomorrow?". Wonder Mom says "Kid #1, you have been saying this all summer and today is the day". Kid #1 says "Mom. I like my stuff where I can find it. I promise we'll do it tomorrow". Wonder Mom says " Today is tomorrow and we are doing this today!".... Now remember Wonder Mom has a doctorate in the Dr. Brazelton school of effective parenting. ....Kid #1 says "Mom, Pleeaasseeeeeeeeeeee can we do it tomorrow?. I have plans with Jeffrey.". Wonder Mom says "Jeffrey can wait. If we do this now you will still have time to play with Jeffrey". Kid #1 says...." I AM NOT....I REPEAT AM NOT CLEANING MY ROOM. IT IS FINE!!!". Wonder mom is beginning to feel just a bit apoplectic but remains calm, cool and collected as Dr. Brazelton suggests. Wonder Mom says..." Kid #1, we are not negotiating". Kid #1 says..."You are ruining my life!". Wonder Mom and Kid #1 begin cleaning out his room after Wonder Mom threatens his very existence. I know, I just flunked Dr. Brazelton's advice. Anyway, Kid #1 attempts to throw out this game. Wonder Mom retrieves it and asks Kid #1 why he is getting rid of this game. Kid #1 states " You said I have to get rid of stuff and I am plus I hate it". Wonder Mom is now absolutely sure she is going to have a stroke if her child (aka-mini monster) does not cooperate. Wonder Mom takes said game from Kid #1 and decides that someone else might like this and so places it for auction here.