Free: pokemon tiered lot- leaf all holographic - Trading Card Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: pokemon tiered lot- leaf all holographic

pokemon tiered lot- leaf all holographic
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The listing, pokemon tiered lot- leaf all holographic has ended.

Please note that I am in the military stationed over seas, so allow time for prizes to reach you***
The tiers goes as such-
499-800 credits 1 card picked at random

801-1100 credits 2 cards picked at random

1101-1400 credits 3 cards- 2 at random, one chosen by winner.

1401-1700 credits 4 cards- 3 at random, one chosen by winner.

1701- 2000 credits 5 cards- 3 at random, 2 chosen by winner.

2001-2300 credits 6 cards- 4 at random, 2 chosen by winner.

2301-2600 credits 7 cards- 4 at random, 3 chosen by winner.

2601-2900 credits 8 cards- 5 at random, 3 chosen by winner.

2901-3200 credits 9 cards - 5 at random, 4 chosen by winner.

3201- 3500 credits 10 cards- 6 at random, 4 chosen by winner.

3501-3800 credits 11 cards- winner chooses all.
3801 and up all cards.
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pokemon tiered lot- leaf all holographic is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards | Trading Card Games category