Kelly, thank you my wonderful friend!! Oh how I love bring warmth to the home..(thinking Pine scented..heh heh..) You are my Sunshine in this drab, raw Love, Blessings & so much Joy to you !~~~~
Aha! Another person who loves the outdoor scents..Snickering madly that's me to a "T" Oh sweetie your the Joy, Sunshine and Fun in my life! Warm Fuzzy hugs, Blessing & Joy always & forever to you~~~
Yep I'm so alive when I am out doors...You should see me in the woods smelling everything...snickering...2 peas from the same pod we are!! Ahhh Nancy you feel just like me your also my angel!! Love and Mega Blessings and joy!! Always!!!
Oh Sweetie, I am too. Love fishing, camping, horseback riding, swimming you name it I love Just don't like snakes & creepy crawlers..Massive Blessings & hugs. Love you so much Sweetie!!!
Woop..Woop!! I'm Watching closely...LOLL!! HaHaHa...That is me too, I just have to have padding now under sleeping bag...LOL!! Love you, Warm Fuzzy Hugs and Zillions of Blessings and Joy!!!! <3