Well sofar everyone except 2 people swear by them. The 2 who don't that that they were buying the ones from California. My wife works for the States Attorneys Office and everyone at the courthouse and the Sheriffs office who has one loves them. Me I'm not sure if they work or not. I the think the magnets are supposed to interact with the electrical currents in the human body and help with pain, balance and energy.
I dont know if they work either but what do I really have to lose? I believe crystals really hold energy so " why not a magnet "? ... TY for this. Looks like fun actually. I love trendy stuff and PINK LOL.... Fanned ya too .
They are silicone wristbands with 2 magnets on opposing sides. They are supposed to interact with the electrical currents in the human body. They have been know to help with mild pains, energy and Balance. To me they just look cool.