Free: Orange Marigold Seeds - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Orange Marigold Seeds

Orange Marigold Seeds
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The listing, Orange Marigold Seeds has ended.

Looking at this orange Marigold reminds us of what it must have been like when Technicolor® was introduced -- everyone thought that movies were in full color already, and then suddenly all the colors were far brighter, deeper, and richer! The pumpkin-toned blooms of Moonsong Deep Orange add a whole new palette into the range of Marigolds -- and they're also the most fade-resistant, so they keep those deep lovely hues all summer long, no matter how how it gets!
Moonsong Deep Orange was awarded an All-America Selection for 2010 on the strength of its non-fading color alone, but that's only one of its merits. These fully double flowers reach 2½ to 3½ inches wide, and they can begin opening just 70 days from sowing the seed, extending Marigold season in many gardens!

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