Right now I'm the high bid on the black ones but I might get out bid for them in the next three days can you hold on to the other black pair if you have them?
And if I get outbided on the black pair I am bidding on now and u put the other black pair on I'll gin the black pair for 9000 or if you want to get someone to outbid me on the other one and put a black pair on there for 9000 ill get it right now
Can you delete the black pair and put it back up and do 9000 gin I'll give you it right now it be a right here right now sale. Like pay here and now kind of thing without money and with points instead
Well GIN is a no go. Too many credits are taken away. Sorry first time looking at the GIN. I will have the 4 pairs of new glasses up tonight. Sorry it didn't work out with the GIN.