This took about an entire day and approx. 36 cards...Plus an untold amount of string used to sew it together...ALL DAY !!! That is why it is such a great thing for inmates to do...It uses up alot of time + creates some very nice finished products..Thank you for your interest...Check out my new profile pic...Please don't ask how long or how a great day
Awesome...Good luck...You must check out my wifes auction...AnnaGross9---"PA state prison inmate handmade 4x6 pic frame w/cross"...It is very sweet...I remember making it...Very intricate...You may like it...
My wife has an auction up right now (( annagross9 ) that is a pic frame /a cross. Very neat--I made it also..Scroll to bottom of page-click FIND A USER to find annagross9...You cannot buy these in any retail setting that I know of....Fanned ya back...