I hated her towards the end! I could see how she'd be upset Tara lied about being pregnant, but I also understood why. She was only trying to protect her boys. Never found a show before that I got so into. Wish it were over!
They are all downright awful..lol..One of my ending predictions is that Abel is going to shoot grandma Gemma with her own gun..MAYHEM!! Am starting season 7 tonight :)) Maybe they will write a sequel
By far the best season in my opinion! Recently watched the whole season in 2 days ! Hate it was the last one. Great auction, who ever is lucky to win you won't be disappointed! Good luck sweetie!
I had it on scheduler but had to edit after it went up so it might have said that. No "twilight zone" moments here I hope..lol..Supposed to rain/snow tonight. I am on wolf river in new london