Well, I do have some more skulls coming in. A set in different colors and some navy blue. Hoping to get a set in regular turquoise soon. As for stars: I have green, light blue, grey and white on their way. =]
Nice! Well, I could certainly make another bracelet like that, I have all the supplies. Would be a different clasp though (a smaller heart shaped one, you can see it in my yellow necklace listing). If you're interested, I can make one and put it up for GIN or you can buy it outright and pay through paypal. =]
Alright. I'll probably make and post the bracelet tomorrow (or today, I guess lol). I'll let you know when it's up. Sure you want regular turquoise? I have a navy blue, orange, white and of course loads of purple skulls. Also, I discovered that I have one more large heart lobster clasp, would you want that one or the small heart?