Free: 1979, MONSTICKERS, Puffy Stickers, Sealed Pack With 3 Puffy Monstickers - Other Collectibles - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 1979, MONSTICKERS, Puffy Stickers, Sealed Pack With 3 Puffy Monstickers

1979, MONSTICKERS, Puffy Stickers, Sealed Pack With 3 Puffy Monstickers
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The listing, 1979, MONSTICKERS, Puffy Stickers, Sealed Pack With 3 Puffy Monstickers has ended.

Monstickers are awesome. Released in 1979 by the Topps company, these are among my all-time favorite puffy stickers, featuring the brilliant artwork of Norman Saunders and Wally Wood. They're actually a re-release of the original Topps "Ugly Stickers" set from 1965, only they added some more monsters to the bunch... and made them puffy. If you grew up in the eighties, there's simply no way you didn't own puffy stickers, and these are easily some of the best. Incredibly creative monster creations - some hideous, some hilarious - you couldn't help but want to add all of them to your Halloween collection.

Problem is, they only came out in packs of three, so you had to buy a lot of them to complete the full 68 sticker set. Naturally, you got a lot of doubles and/or color variants along the way, but it was never a problem finding a place to stick an extra monster. Of course, back then that wasn't too much of a problem since they only cost 25 cent per pack - a price any kid who bought toys and stickers from grocery store vending machines was very comfortable with.

Another problem was that most kids (myself included) stuck them on their books, cabinets, Trapper Keepers, cabinets, and just about any other location we deemed to be Monsticker-worthy. Hell, the box itself even encouraged us to stick them on our bikes!
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1979, MONSTICKERS, Puffy Stickers, Sealed Pack With 3 Puffy Monstickers is in the Collectibles | Other Collectibles category