The listing, Wave 8 My Little Pony 2" Blind Bag pony has ended.
You will get 1 mlp.
I know what they are and each of them are a different pony. However being as I am nice upon winning you can give me a list of ponies you need or would like. I cannot guarantee I have that pony, nor can I guarantee you will get that pony. That being said, 2 of the 6 are males, and I have no "friends" (ie applejack, rainbow dash). I am listing all 6, choices with be first come first serve. Meaning if you message me rarity first and someone else messages me that, you would get rarity... However I do not have rarity that was an example. There is a possibility of 18 ponies. I suggest messaging me a couple and in order of want... :)
I will not lower the days... Gin is 10,000 and I will tell you what ponies I have. However once there is a bid I cannot add a gin.
This auction is for 1 pony. By bidding you fully understand that.
I also ship fast and free to listians who have verified addresses!