The listing, 70 hp pokemon!!!!!!!!!!! has ended.
these are all of my 70 hp pokemon so the winner gets one BUT for every 100 credits you get one more card example 1-100 1 card 101 -200 2 cards and so on
the cards are not holo but most of them are old rare or uncommon the cards im showing here are
girafarig great shape uncommon
pupitar great shape common
aerodactyl great shape uncommon
venipede black and white great shape common
sandslash great shape old and uncommom
marshstomp great shape uncommon
hitmonchan great shape rare
electabuzz great shape common
zangoose great shape rare
mightyane great shape rare
magneton sleet great shape uncommon
pelipper electric great shape rare
weepinbell old great shape uncommon
another electabuzz great shape rare
shelgon great shape rare
sabrinas slowbro old great uncommon
butterfree old great shape uncommon
smeargle great shape uncommon
bayleef good shape uncommon
roselia great shapeuncommon
golduck old great shape uncommon
team magmas lairon great shape uncommon
stantler great shape common
starmie water and steel type great shape rare
thanks for reading please bid and
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thankx so much trevor77