Free: Very Rare 35mm Film Cells from the Movie " CATWOMAN " HALLE BERRY - Other DVDs & Movies - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Very Rare 35mm Film Cells from the Movie " CATWOMAN " HALLE BERRY

Very Rare 35mm Film Cells from the Movie " CATWOMAN " HALLE BERRY
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The listing, Very Rare 35mm Film Cells from the Movie " CATWOMAN " HALLE BERRY has ended.

Winner of this auction will receive 10 strips of film from the movie listed above. This is not a dvd or vhs.
This auction is for 10 strips of film from the movie listed above. Each strip has 4 cells on it, making for a total of 40 unmounted cells! These were cut off the roll of film that was used at the movie theater and are extremly hard to get! Strips of unmounted cells are always hard to find and most people find a way to frame them! These unmounted strips include some nice scenes from the movie. The picture in this auction shows an example of what one cell from this movie may look like. Buyer's satisfaction guaranteed! They are the highest in quality because these were used in an actual movie theater!

Shipping is $3.25 to anywhere in the USA. I will also combine ship up to 10 film cell auctions for only $4.95
I'll take paypal, cash, check, and money orders for payment. Get them while I have them.. Once there gone, there gone.
Questions & Comments
i'd bid on any of these cells ! especially from batman,spoiderman,green lantern, any comic hero movie!
i have great cell mounts with led's to illuminate them. very cool conversation / collector pieces. great auctions!
Sep 6th, 2011 at 4:13:54 PM PDT by

Very Rare 35mm Film Cells from the Movie " CATWOMAN " HALLE BERRY is in the Movies & TV Shows | Other DVDs & Movies category