i have a school formal coming up in November, this would be beautiful with it, would you please be able to ship it to Australia. i would be happy to pay, im sorry for asking you so many times. thanks
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Heart-ocean-red-cz-Crystals-Necklace-pendant-titanic-/290608904982?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43a9a3fb16 You can get the neclace in white gold for around 8.00 dollars! I will look for some heart earrings !
I just mailed a necklace only and it cost me about $5.00 with no tracking, insurance , confirmation or anything to Sidney, Australia because buyer said she did not care cause she has never lost anything that was mailed to her. First class parcel with no nothing.. Otherwise very expensive.
It would be a headache then if they dont like them they can ask for all there credits back and the shipping if they use paypal !! Not worth trying!! I have had people on here not liking after they got them!!