I still have 5 more 2 pound bags I will be listing and still finding more as I go through the TOTES of beading and jewelry making supplies I am finding
yes the whole bag...I know not what size or what style they are...these were my mothers and what I think she did when she got them is she just dumped them all into a cookie tin because they are assorted sizes and styles
That's actually what I like about it. It is a mix of goodies! As long as I can pop them on a thin wire, it'll be great! I'm unlikely to win them though, I rarely win things I bid on lol.
Keep watching because I have 2 cookie tins I have to bag up and sell. I am not just putting them all up at one time as I dont want to flood the site with a bunch of beads of the same kind.
I just got another bag of these beads from her! They are worth the credits,and it was a little over 2 pds! I'm bidding on this one too! Awesome bead auction!!