Free: Red Canna Seeds - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Red Canna Seeds

Red Canna Seeds
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The listing, Red Canna Seeds has ended.

The winning bidder will receive 25 Canna seeds harvested from my own plants (pictured). My plants have been growing strong for about seven years now and the rhizomes usually quadruple in size each year. The plants range in size from two to eight feet, depending on how early they are planted and how much sun they get.

Canna seeds need to go through scarification - or prepping and soaking of the seed. Instructions for how to do this are easily found on the internet. The third picture is the seeds - they look like coffee beans.

Once planted in the ground, Cannas require full sun and lots of water. They are pretty hard to kill and will provide seeds for you to grow the next season!

NOTE: I cannot make any guarantees about the growth of these seeds or the size/color of the flowers. You are simply bidding on the seeds as they are.
Questions & Comments
I have the same plants. The plants that I have are the red/burgandy leaves. Yes, they have to be dug up before the snow falls and I was told to put them in a black garbage bag & store in cool dry place. Do you have the web site for this plant fore I would like to know how to and when to collect the seeds. Thanks
Sep 11th, 2011 at 11:25:09 AM PDT by
I didn't learn how to care for them from a website - I learned from my mom. I do not recommend putting them in trash bags - this can break the rhizomes apart. It is best to store them in something sturdy so that the rhizomes have a supported bottom. Best of luck with your plants!
Sep 13th, 2011 at 11:11:17 AM PDT by
I thought they grew from bulbs?
Sep 13th, 2011 at 3:31:59 PM PDT by
They grow from seeds and rhizomes. Just like many other flowers, if you plant a seed you'll get an annual and if you plant a rhizome you will have a perennial (although canna rhizomes have to be dug up and stored over the winter in cold climates and then replanted in the spring). The wonderful thing about cannas are that they will continue to give you seeds so you only have to invest in the seeds once!
Sep 14th, 2011 at 7:52:48 AM PDT by

Red Canna Seeds is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category