Free: Morning Glory Seeds - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Morning Glory Seeds

Morning Glory Seeds
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Morning glories are very beautiful in any garden. They are great for container gardens but will need to be grown up a trellis because they can reach 6-10 feet tall. Morning glories will self-seed in the garden. They have a hard seed coat which delays germination until late spring, at which time they will grow and flower rapidly. To improve the germination of seeds, soak them in a dish of warm water overnight before planting.
Questions & Comments
How many seeds?
Jun 24th, 2015 at 6:23:17 AM PDT by
I don't count them. They are small seeds. I give about 1/4 a t of seeds which is a decent amount.
Jun 24th, 2015 at 7:41:12 AM PDT by

Morning Glory Seeds is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category